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Discover how Redux manages various types of information such as user login, interface, getting data, forms, moving around, settings, and shopping carts.
let's delve into each topic in more detail:
User Authentication State:
Purpose: This state keeps track of the authentication status of the user. It's crucial for applications that require user accounts and authentication to access certain features or data.
Key Components:
: A boolean value indicating whether the user is authenticated or not.user
: An object containing user information such as username, email, and any other relevant data.
Usage: You'll use this state to conditionally render components or control access to protected routes based on the user's authentication status.
Example: When a user logs into a social media platform, the User Authentication State keeps track of whether they are authenticated (isLoggedIn: true) and stores their user information (user: {username: 'example', email: ''}).
UI State:
Purpose: UI state manages various aspects of your application's user interface, such as loading indicators, error messages, or modal/dialogue states.
Key Components:
: A boolean value indicating whether the application is currently fetching data or performing an operation.error
: An object containing error information, such as error messages or status codes, to handle and display errors to the user.isModalOpen
: A boolean value indicating whether a modal or dialogue is currently open.
Usage: You'll use the UI state to provide feedback to users during loading operations, display error messages when something goes wrong, and manage UI components like modals and dialogues.
Example: In a chat application, UI State manages the display of loading indicators during message retrieval (isLoading: true), shows error messages if a message fails to send (error: {message: 'Failed to send message'}), and controls the visibility of the chat settings modal (isModalOpen: false).
Data Fetching State:
Purpose: This state manages the process of fetching data from APIs or external sources, handling loading indicators, fetched data, and errors.
Key Components:
: A boolean value indicating whether data fetching is in
: An object or array containing the fetched data.error
: An object containing error information if the data fetching process encounters an error.
Usage: Data fetching state is essential for managing asynchronous operations, such as fetching data from APIs, and providing feedback to users during the process.
Example: In a weather app, Data Fetching State indicates if weather data is being fetched from an external API (isFetching: true), stores the retrieved weather information (data: {temperature: 25°C, condition: 'Sunny'}), and displays an error message if the API request fails (error: {message: 'Failed to fetch weather data'}).
Form State:
Purpose: Form state manages the state of form inputs, submission status, and validation errors in your application.
Key Components:
: An object containing form input values.isSubmitting
: A boolean value indicating whether the form is currently being submitted.errors
: An object containing validation errors for form inputs.
Usage: You'll use form state to capture user input, validate form data, provide feedback on validation errors, and control the submission process.
Example: In an online registration form, Form State tracks user input values (formData: {username: 'example', email: ''}), indicates if the form is currently being submitted (isSubmitting: false), and displays validation errors if the user enters an invalid email address (errors: {email: 'Invalid email address'}).
Navigation State:
Purpose: The navigation state manages the current route or location in your application and may also include information about the navigation history.
Key Components:
: A string representing the current route or URL path in the application.currentLocation
: An object containing additional information about the current navigation location, such as query parameters or route parameters.
Usage: The navigation state is essential for building single-page applications (SPAs) and controlling the flow of navigation within the application.
Example: In a travel booking website, Navigation State manages the current route or URL path (currentRoute: '/flights'), and stores additional information about the navigation location, such as query parameters for flight searches (currentLocation: {route: '/flights', queryParams: {origin: 'New York', destination: 'Los Angeles'}}).
Cart/Shopping State:
Purpose: This state manages the shopping cart functionality in e-commerce applications, including the list of items in the cart, total price, and checkout process.
Key Components:
: An array containing the items added to the shopping cart, each represented as an object with details like product ID, quantity, and price.totalPrice
: A numeric value representing the total price of all items in the shopping cart.
Usage: The cart/shopping state is essential for providing users with the ability to add/remove items from their cart, view the current contents of the cart, and proceed to checkout.
Example: In an online shopping application, Cart/Shopping State stores the items added to the shopping cart (cartItems: [{id: 1, name: 'Product A', price: 20, quantity: 2}]), calculates the total price of all items (totalPrice: 40), and facilitates the checkout process.
Settings/Preferences State:
- Purpose: This state manages user settings and preferences, allowing users to customize their experience within the application.
Key Components:
: An object containing various application settings chosen by the user.preferences
: An object containing user preferences, such as theme selection, language preference, or notification settings.
Usage: You'll use settings and preferences state to persist user-specific configurations and provide a personalized experience for each user.
Example: In a music streaming app, Settings/Preferences State stores user-selected settings like preferred language (settings: {language: 'English'}), and preferences such as favourite genres (preferences: {genres: ['Pop', 'Rock']}).